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Re: HSP XDA fórum ámokfutása

Posted: 31 Oct 2024, 19:53
by Rendszergazda
Oct 8, 2023
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Hello i have problem. I read: FULL SYSTEM RW ROM... But i try to overwrite SystemUI.APK or /media/audio/ui and i receive the long error " Su Error RO " How to change the files? The T07 Version is fine okay, but Current version is dont allowe the overwriten my files.
Questions: How to back 11 to 07 Version? ( odin show Error if i start flash 07 )
and how overwrite the files becuase SU error ReadOnly filesystem...
Please give me advice. ( N908B DualSIM )

Re: HSP XDA fórum ámokfutása

Posted: 31 Oct 2024, 19:53
by Rendszergazda
Oct 8, 2023
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dr.ketan said:
I don't support old firmware
Starting from T01 Full system-rw to T11 Full System-rw nothing been changed for rw feature. If it is not working on specific version, you are doing something wrong.

The old version deleted, than copy than auto restart systemui, and my icon is LTE no 4G !!! Until phone restart ( and i no restart weeks, if batt empty and reboot, only delete and copy my version SystemUI and no problem. Now Here SEE --->>>
I only because the icon!!! I want only LTE icon!!!!! and i receive error message if in /system/system-ext/priv-app/SystemUI/SystemUI.apk

im doing something wrong?!?

And: I PAID ketan pro, have menu LTE instead 4G NOT WORKING! ( You 1 year ago NOT FIX ) Ok, you tell Service specified to 4g or lte, but YOU IS THE BUILDER, FIXING PLEASE! if im like LTE Your Menu ALLOW TO CHANGE, but current FAKE MENU, NOT WORK!!! This problem months ago is up... I want to solving the LTE Icon problem.
eg. Sent to systemRW fix, OR sent SystemUI.apk only with LTE, OR, Fix Ketan Pro The LTE insteated 4g Menu to work again!

+1 Question: If you not show / tell me how to fix the systemUI, you adding 3Minits, and other modify, how to change You The SystemUI, without lost sign and "" detect problem fixed reboot "" You have signer? or?
I no want other, with LTE ICON,

System NO RW!!! See the images. Please solve, or give advice! Thank You

Re: HSP XDA fórum ámokfutása

Posted: 31 Oct 2024, 19:54
by Rendszergazda
Oct 8, 2023
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kaischuett said:
T11 is RW.
I can Copy the systemui.apk without any Problems to the devices Main Storage. See Screenshots.

Maybe try a different File Explorer. I used Fx File Explorer.
And dont be so salty Dude.
Message: Access Denied. CAnnot Copy Systemui apk.
All other system file is changed.. fonts, sounds... but systemui apk not work. Your Filemanager show Acces Denied. ( not ask Root, not ask remount bla bla ) only " acces denied "
The T11 is Not Fully System RW

Re: HSP XDA fórum ámokfutása

Posted: 31 Oct 2024, 19:54
by Rendszergazda
Oct 9, 2023
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I try reinstall, full format/wipe than again and again... follow all step.... SystemUI totalCommender: Error message ( see up my comment screenshot ) FX Explorer: Access Denied
Give me advice ( no filemanager problem, i try push adb, also not allow... i remount / than also not succedd to copy new sui-app. Cann you other advice?

Re: HSP XDA fórum ámokfutása

Posted: 31 Oct 2024, 19:54
by Rendszergazda
Oct 10, 2023
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Listen man! I have been using dr ketan for years! I paid! I AM NOT DISRESPECTFUL! EXCUSE ME! If SAMsung then Ketan! However, understand "Dude" The LTE Icon is a story for me, from my life, which you don't understand! A complete identity! DON'T explain something you don't understand! and I wasn't disrespectful! What is important to everyone is different! The LTE icon for me! And I still can't overwrite the SystemUI, and Ketan doesn't help me put the T08 back on the phone! because T11 DOESN'T WORK for me! ( did you try to replace sysdata_connected.... xml, than overwite????? ) NOT WORK! Random: ERROR, SU ERROR, etc... if copied the file not restarting Systemui and show LTE, only "COPYED " and than not do it..... Try, than talking..... I WANT TO BAVK T08 , Odin also gives me error! ( Version or other problem ) I said that I don't want to argue about this, but at least then tell me that it is T08, how can I return it???? (the answer to this was also that it does not support the old version) It does not deal with my problem, the LTE icon has been a topic for almost 1 year. If I've paid and they at least appreciate my attitude, then I'll choose my words...

Re: HSP XDA fórum ámokfutása

Posted: 31 Oct 2024, 19:55
by Rendszergazda
Oct 10, 2023
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Okay, and you're right! I apologize for the tone, from you Ketan and everyone. It was a fluke, please don't be angry.

Then I'll ask, and the forum is there so that anyone who knows what the problem is can help (if it happens elsewhere, I'll be happy to help too)

The phenomenon is as follows:

(history: I've been using DR Ketan Rom since 2020, always the Pro version, and there's never been a problem UNTIL SO FAR)

- I install T11, magisk run work reboot than start ketan room tool safety-net than reboot. Ok done. THAN:

- if i try delete /system/system_ext/priv-app/SystemUI/SystemUI.apk
Show long error message, but still deletes the file. then I copy the SystemUI.apk changed to the modified LTE icon and try it. two things usually happen: 1 - Error message su error, but it copies anyway.
2- SystemRW request comes, I approve it, then it says copy error read only file system.

- IF version 1 succeeds, that is an error message and copies it, then what has happened in all versions so far does not happen, that the SystemUI restarts and then the icon becomes LTE (I never restart the phone after that because the Keran rom detects and restores the old )

But this is not happening now, the systemUI does not start again, even if the copy succeeds, with an error message.

In the previous version this was not a problem, I want to return to the previous version T8, ( KETAN ROM ) but when I browse the files in odin to BL AP CP CSC-a home, ODIN writes an error when starting to write the ketan rom. I remember and understand that you said Ketan that you don't support previous versions, but at least help me to put it on the phone so that odin writes the files!

In phone Display: SW REV. CHECK FAIL(FLD) DEVICE: 0x6 Binary 0x4

How to Flash Ketan T07 or 8 ? Please help me anyone

Re: HSP XDA fórum ámokfutása

Posted: 31 Oct 2024, 19:55
by Rendszergazda
May 18, 2024
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Hello all!
i use DR Ketan Rom, U09 in my S24 Ultra
I all step is follow installing, than is run: Play Integrity Api Checker, and show me:

Device integrity: RED
Basic: OK, Green
Strong is RED

How to complete all to green?

Re: HSP XDA fórum ámokfutása

Posted: 31 Oct 2024, 19:55
by Rendszergazda
May 18, 2024
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i want to use google pay, with root.. i want to hide magisk, and use all my bank app...
no stock rom, please help how to all green safetynet pass
i use DR Ketan Rom, U09 in my S24 Ultra
I all step is follow installing, than is run: Play Integrity Api Checker, and show me:
Device integrity: RED
Basic: OK, Green
Strong is RED)

Re: HSP XDA fórum ámokfutása

Posted: 31 Oct 2024, 19:56
by Rendszergazda
May 18, 2024
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CZ.Kostra said:
Which PIF module do you use? Do you have a valid fingerprint? Isn't your kernel banned? Does another Magist module conflict with PIF? See to first post.
I USE Dr ketan Rom U09 - And all install is follow the instructions.
This say " Esential fix auto fix all safety net " than reboot, i have in phone:
Foxs Mum, and IntegrityChecker, Foxmum: -> Play integrity fix 15.9
and Safetynet sensitive props v3 and shamiko 1.0.1, and zygrisk 1.9.2

But only one green if i check,
how i check, why red, the device, and strong?

Re: HSP XDA fórum ámokfutása

Posted: 31 Oct 2024, 19:56
by Rendszergazda
May 18, 2024
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guys, plese big help me. Use Samsung S24 ultra, DR Ketan rom U09 ( A14 )
i editing systemui.apk --> Change 4g Icon To LTE, than not boot my phone. How to signing the systemui than is edited, to work my phone? can u help me, instructions?
( Ketan rom have premium, include menu to change 4g insteate LTE, but no work.., i chaging only: edit the xml file in systemui,apk ) How to signing to no kill my phone? Please get me advice! Big Big Thank