Account Recoverynamivanernoke wrote: ↑21 Oct 2024, 13:49És az is ernőke átali "fejlesztés" vajon?okadoslavor wrote: ↑21 Oct 2024, 13:33 ernoke egy e-mail cimet is bemutatott par napja:
[email protected]
De hiaba is probalkoztok. erno kenyszeresen ugyel a biztonsagra, van spamszuro (ahogy elottem emlitettek) es minden fasza.
erno a szemunk elott valik sodiva. Trolloknak videozik, bujja a forumot, munkahelyrol videozik. Amit ennyibol nem lehet beharomszogelni ugye...kileakel minden szart.
Jo az irany erno![]()
Tényleg sodisodik ... és azt hiszi ha követi azt a taktikát amit a visítómajom dgg, akkor leszállnak róla a trollok, és majd az ő videóit sem lehet majd feltölteni TC-re ...![]()
If you've forgotten your account password, enter your Ninite account email below and we'll email you a link you can click on to reset your password.
If you don't receive the email in a minute or so, get in touch with us. There may be a typo in the email you signed up with or some other problem with the account.
Thanks for using Ninite!
Great, we've sent an email to [email protected].
Nem létező cím esetében:
About Ninite Accounts
Sorry, we don't have an account under that email address.
Actually, we've designed Ninite to work without accounts because managing an account at every website you use is a pain.
If you're using Ninite for personal use you can just make installers at our website without signing up for anything.
If you bought Ninite Updater that doesn't have an account either. We send a link to your Ninite Updater download in your receipt email and you can use that to install Updater on each of your licensed machines.
So what are the accounts for? We have accounts for our business customers using Ninite Pro because they need to manage recurring billing and create installers with our extra pro features.
Let us know if you have more questions.
Thanks for using Ninite!
Tehát az email cím létezik, és használatban is van.